Intersection Crash Ranking
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Refers to all road crashes reported to the Police.
Crash Costs Estimated cost of road crashes at an intersection. The crash costs are derived based on the average crash type costs using Willingness To Pay (WTP) approach; that is, the cost the community is willing to pay or to forego in exchange for a reduction in the probability of an injury (of varying severity) or death from road accidents. (Average WA person cost estimates are: Fatality $7,505,194; Serious Injury (Hospital) $297,999; Medical Treatment $56,032.)
Bicycle Refers to a crash involving a bicyclist.
Night Refers to crash occurring during the hours of darkness.
Ped Refers to a crash involving a vehicle colliding with a pedestrian.
Rear End Refers to a crash involving a vehicle colliding with the rear of another vehicle.
Right Ang Refers to a right angle crash, that is, a crash involving vehicles approaching from adjacent legs of an intersection.
Right Thru Refers to a crash involving a vehicle turning right in front of an oncoming vehicle.
Side Swipe Refers to a crash involving a vehicle colliding with the side of another vehicle.
Truck Refers to a crash involving a truck.
Motorcycle Refers to a crash involving a motorcycle.
Wet Refers to a crash on a wet road. (Note that information is not available)
Casualty Refers to a casualty crash defined as a crash involving either a fatality or a person admitted to hospital or medical treatment.
Int. No Refers to the Intersection Number (note that not all intersections have Intersection Numbers)
AuthorityID Refers to the road authority responsible for intersecting roads
Intersection Classification Refer to road authority responsible for intersecting roads
S State Road
L Local Road